NME Networks Media Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Company No. 11417244
VAT Reg. No. 452 0158 25
Griffin House, 135 High Street,
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1DQ
These are the terms and conditions (“Rules”) that apply to the NME Networks Media
Limited competition (“Promotion”). By entering the Promotion, each entrant agrees to
these Rules and confirms they have read and understood the NME Networks Media
Limited Privacy Notice at
https://nmenetworks.com/policies/nme-networks-privacy-policy/. Please also see the
limitations of liability in Rule 13.
1. Promoter: NME Networks Media Limited, a company incorporated and registered in
England and Wales with company number 11417244 whose registered office is at
Griffin House, 135 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1DQ (“Promoter”).
2. Entry period: The Promotion closes at 11:59 pm (UK time) on Thursday 26
September 2024 (“Entry Period”).
3. Eligibility: To participate in the Promotion, entrants must be 16 years old or over at
the time of entry and a legal resident of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
or the United States of America. If you are under 18 years old, you represent and
warrant to us by entering this Promotion that your parents/guardians have
consented to your entry and to these Rules, which they have read. Proof of age and
identity may be required. A limit of one (1) entry per person applies to the Promotion.
Promoter reserves the right at any time to require proof of eligibility in such form as
Promoter reasonably considers necessary.
Not eligible: Even if they meet the above criteria, the following persons are not
eligible to enter the Promotion: (i) any employee or other individual engaged by
Promoter or any of its associated companies; (ii) members of the immediate family
and/or household (whether related or not) of any of those individuals; and (iii) anyone
else professionally involved or associated with the operation, promotion or
administration of the Promotion.
4. How to enter: To enter the Promotion, entrants must do the following during the
Entry Period: Visit https://nme.dawsons.co.uk and then complete the entry form in
accordance with the on-screen instructions, providing an answer to a specified
question in addition to your name and email address and indicating agreement to
these Rules.
NME Networks Media Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Company No. 11417244
VAT Reg. No. 452 0158 25
Griffin House, 135 High Street,
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1DQ
5. Submission Guidelines: The entrant must comply with, and must ensure that his or
her entry (“Submission”) complies with, the following guidelines (“Submission
(a) Each Submission must be the entrant’s own original words. By providing a
Submission, each entrant warrants and represents (i.e. guarantees) that all elements
of the Submission are his or her own original words and the use of the Submission
for the purposes described in these Rules will not infringe the intellectual property
rights (or any other rights) of any person or organisation.
(b) If the subject of a Submission is a person, or if the Submission otherwise
features an identifiable person, that person (or their parent or legal guardian if a
minor) must have given their written consent to be featured in the Submission. The
entrant must provide a copy of any written consent if requested by Promoter.
(c) Submissions must not include any confidential information or personal
information concerning any person without the written consent of that person (or
their parent or legal guardian if a minor). The entrant must provide a copy of any
written consent if requested by Promoter.
(d) Submissions must not be, or contain any material which is or may reasonably
be considered to be, threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, offensive,
pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing,
inflammatory, in breach of confidence or otherwise unlawful.
(e) By entering the Promotion, the entrant warrants and represents (i.e.
guarantees) that he or she has the right and authority to accept the Prize and that by
doing so he or she will not be in breach of any agreement with or obligation to a
third party.
6. Prizes: The prize is C24 vinyl (“Prize”).
7. Prize conditions: The following conditions apply to the Prize(s):
(a) Prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable, non-exchangeable and no cash
alternative is available. However, if Promoter considers it appropriate, or if it
becomes necessary for reasons beyond Promoters control, a Prize may be varied or
swapped for a suitable alternative in Promoter’s discretion.
8. Winner selection:
NME Networks Media Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Company No. 11417244
VAT Reg. No. 452 0158 25
Griffin House, 135 High Street,
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1DQ
All complete, correct and eligible entries will be judged by a panel of judges
comprising representatives of Promoter and at least one independent judge with
relevant experience. Entries will be judged in accordance with the following process:
The judging panel will read each entry and select the top 120 submissions, based on
the most compelling answer to the specified question, to receive the Prize.
9. Winner notification: The winners will be notified using any of the contact details
provided at the time of entry within five (5) working days following the selection of
the winners. Promoter will make reasonable efforts to contact the winner, but it is the
winner’s responsibility to monitor their email account, including any junk mail
folders, for receipt of the notification.
10. Claiming the Prize: The winner must accept the Prize by confirming their eligibility
and acceptance within five (5) working days of the date of the initial winners
notification. The Prize is time-sensitive and therefore failure to accept the Prize by
the deadline may result in the Prize being forfeited and the selection of an alternative
winner. Alternative winners will be selected and notified as set out above and must
claim the Prize within five (5) working days.
11. Prize delivery: The Prize will be sent to the winners postal address provided at the
time of Prize acceptance within 30 days of the date of the winner notification.
12. Publicity: By entering the Promotion, each entrant agrees that in the event of a win,
the entrant may be asked to take part in reasonable publicity connected with the
Promotion and that Promoter is entitled (but not obliged) to use the winners name,
and entry in connection with such publicity.
13. Liability: Nothing in these Rules limits or excludes any person’s liability for death or
personal injury caused by negligence, for fraud or for any matter for which liability
cannot be lawfully limited or excluded. In particular, consumers have legal rights in
relation to products that are faulty or not as described and services which are not
performed with reasonable care and skill and these legal rights are in addition to and
are not affected in any way by anything contained in these Rules. However, to the
fullest extent permissible by law, Promoter will not be liable for: (i) any loss, liability
or damage caused by someone other than Promoter or someone acting under
Promoters direct instructions and in accordance with Promoters instructions; (ii)
any loss, liability or damage caused by any event or circumstance beyond
Promoters reasonable control; (iii) any loss of profits or revenue, loss of anticipated
savings or loss of goodwill; or (iv) any unavailability of Promoter’s website or app.
NME Networks Media Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Company No. 11417244
VAT Reg. No. 452 0158 25
Griffin House, 135 High Street,
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1DQ
Further advice about consumer rights is available from any local Citizens’ Advice
Bureau (https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/) or local Trading Standards office
14. No endorsement: The Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered
by or associated with any social media platforms or any other third party. All
third-party trademarks and other intellectual property rights are hereby
acknowledged. By participating in the Promotion, you are providing your information
to Promoter, not to any third party. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable
law, shall have no liability to any person or company in connection with or arising
out of the Promotion howsoever caused, including for any costs, expenses,
damages and other liabilities.
15. Cancellation and variation: Promoter reserves the right to vary, suspend or cancel
the Promotion and/or these Rules if it considers it necessary or appropriate to do so,
including if there is any actual or anticipated breach of applicable law or if variation,
suspension or cancellation is necessary due to an event outside Promoters
reasonable control. In the event of cancellation, the Prizes may be awarded to
winners drawn from entries received prior to cancellation.
16. Disqualification: Without limiting the options available to Promoter, Promoter
reserves the right at any time to disqualify entries or entrants that Promoter regards
as being in breach of these Rules, any applicable laws, any terms and conditions
referred to in these Rules or the spirit of the Promotion.
17. Interference with the Promotion: Any attempt to damage or undermine the content
or legitimate operation of the Promotion is prohibited and may also be a violation of
criminal and/or civil laws. Promoter reserves all its rights and remedies to deal with
breaches or suspected breaches of this rule including, without limitation, to exclude
any entrant or winner believed to be associated with such activity.
18. Disclosure of winner’s details: By entering the Promotion, each entrant
acknowledges that in the event of a win their surname and county of residence may
be disclosed to persons enquiring, where permitted by law. Any entrant may object
to their information being made available in this way, or may request that the
amount of information made available be reduced, by contacting Promoter using the
contact details at the end of these Rules. In these circumstances, the entrant
acknowledges that Promoter may nevertheless disclose the relevant information,
and the entrant’s entry, to the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (and/or any
NME Networks Media Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Company No. 11417244
VAT Reg. No. 452 0158 25
Griffin House, 135 High Street,
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1DQ
other competent authority) if required to do so. This may happen where Promoter is
required to demonstrate that it has awarded the prizes advertised. To request
disclosure of winners’ details, enquirers must submit a request to
projects@nmenetworks.com by 26 October 2024. Details will only be disclosed (if
permitted by law) after the Prizes have been awarded.
19. Accessing these Rules: Any website on which these Rules are posted is only
intended to be accessed from Great Britain and where permitted by law. Promoter
makes no representation that materials relating to the Promotion are appropriate or
available for use at other locations. Access to them from territories where their
contents are illegal is strictly prohibited.
20. Severance and waiver: If any part of these Rules is or becomes invalid, illegal or
unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the rest of these Rules will
not be affected. Promoters failure to enforce any term of these Rules will not
constitute a waiver of that provision.
21. Disputes: Subject to Rule 22, if there is a dispute about the Promotion or these
Rules, Promoter’s decisions are final. If there is a dispute between these Rules and
any other document referred to in these Rules, these Rules take precedence to the
extent necessary to resolve the conflict.
22. Law and jurisdiction: The Promotion and these Rules are governed by English law,
and any disputes arising in connection with them shall be subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, except that residents of Scotland
may also bring proceedings in the Scottish courts.
23. Personal data: Entrants acknowledge that any personal data of entrants processed
in connection with the Promotion will be processed in accordance with Promoter’s
Privacy Notice, which is available at
24. Contact: Enquiries about the Promotion can be sent to Promoter at:
Short terms
GB and USA residents 16+ only. Closing date 26/09/24. Win a copy of C24 vinyl.
Max 1 entry per person. Full T&Cs: https://nme.dawsons.co.uk. Promoter: NME
Networks Media Limited, Griffin House, 135 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex
RH10 1DQ.